Many thanks to those schools who have been completing a small group (one-hour) or a larger workshop to support this important review.
A vision for learners and learning
‘I believe that A Vison for leaners and learning in Lutheran schools is one of the most important accomplishments of Lutheran Education Australia (LEA). It represents the culmination of a lengthy development process and reflects the thinking of a wide range of practitioners on learning in a Lutheran school. It challenges us to consider the beliefs and values that direct our practice, and it calls us to be consistently true to them.’
Adrienne Jericho
Great to see schools inquire and investigate the workshop resources produced from phase 1 of the project involving the development of a workshop that schools and early childhood services can use to review A vision for learners and learning and Lifelong qualities for learners.
Easy to use Workshop resources have been developed that will assist your community to engage in the process of reviewing A Vision for learners and learning and providing feedback to an expert reference group who will collate the feedback and develop a draft as part of Phase 2 of the project.
These workshop plans range from a one-hour discussion through to a day workshop. We realise that for some communities a one-hour conversation with an executive team or group of staff will be all that can be accomplished, while for others it may align with some school strategic initiatives and involve more time and staff. The Lutheran Education Queensland representatives of Derek Bartels and Cheryl Budd have been part of the development and design together with representatives across the other regions.
Once you have engaged in the review, please email the survey responses and feedback to lea@lutheran.edu.au . LEA would like to have all feedback by 22 October.
Kim Powell
Learning Leader: Innovation