Hello everyone from St Peter’s Lutheran School here in Dimboola. We all understand that 2020 has been extremely unusual. Here at St Peter’s we normally would have so many exciting incursions and excursions for our students to look forward to and engage in. The challenge was to spice things up while still operating well within the guidelines.
We decided that to add some excitement and flair to each Friday starting in term 2 we would offer all students the opportunity to participate in ‘Fabulous Fashion Fridays’
It was voluntary for all students whether they were at school or remote learning from home. This was not a fundraiser, so no donations were collected. It was simply an idea that students had, and staff agreed would be fun.
It certainly helped maintain connections between those children at school and those off site. Families were encouraged be a part of this excitement each Friday by sharing photos through our school Newsletter.
As you all well know, most Primary school children leap at the chance to dress up or glam up their appearances. Our ‘Fabulous Fashion Fridays’ were a sensational hit and were as follows:

I hope that you all enjoy the photos and happy faces of our wonderful students.
God’s Blessings to you and your school communities.
Tim Reimann