The Spotlight | St Paul's Lutheran School Henty
What an amazing community we have here at St Paul’s Henty!
In September the town of Henty held the annual Henty Machinery Field Days. For anyone who has not been before, it is MASSIVE for a small town like Henty. This is the same for our Parents and Friends Association, who always cater in one of the food sheds. This year, we had the biggest, most central food shed, which means more manpower, work and effort. But yet again, it was a seamless event, where parents, staff, students, past students, grandparents and even friends of friends put their hands up to assist in many different ways – setting up on Sunday, preparing and serving food, cooking, restocking the drinks, cleaning up… the list goes on! There were 150 volunteers over the three days of the Field Days. Not bad, considering we only have 24 families in the school! Not to mention all the preparation beforehand. Consider this for a shopping list – 960kg frozen chips, 788 sausages, 125kg onions, 185 kg pork, 4157 cans of drink… 2740 steak sandwiches, 620 salad rolls and 30 salad bowls were sold, just to name a few items on the menu. It is a testimony to all the efforts that we raised a profit of appr $50,000 this year! Last year the P & F were able to help fund a new Covered Outdoor Learning Area. This year they are hoping to use the funds to update the playground. It is so great to see all the work of many people go straight back to benefit the students!
At the end of term 3, we farewelled our Deputy Principal Hollie Kinning. She will begin Term 4 serving Lutheran School, Wagga Wagga, as principal. Hollie has been at St Paul’s for almost 3 years. We wish her well in her new role!
Christine Biar
Deputy Principal