A New Season
Anita Morton was inducted in January and commenced as the 10th (and first female) Principal of St Paul's College.
Beginning the year with staff reflecting on Ecclesiastes 3 - to everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven, Anita feels called to her work with the College and excited for what will be achieved together.

Snapshot into Christian Studies
Year 7 – Throughout this term, Year 7 students have been looking into the types of communities that made up the early church. Learning that the most important part of church is not the building, rather it is the people. Students are now starting their assessment task which is to plan and create a holiday that people who are interested in early Christianity can see and learn more about where the Apostles continued with the Great Commission.
Year 8 – The focus this term has been on how we make everyday decisions based on the guidance of the Ten Commandments and the rules within our societies to keep us safe. They have been learning about the value of living in peaceful relationships with one another and the concept stewardship in caring for the environment and people.
Year 10 – Students have been learning about the importance of critical thinking. Critical thinking is a way of ‘filtering’ information that we receive and ultimately, of seeking the truth. It is not just about working out what we agree with. It is about asking the right questions, listening and thinking critically to understand and discern Truth. When thinking critically, it is important not to fall into the trap of just rejecting ideas because they challenge us, or because they make us feel uncomfortable, or agree with an idea because it has some sort of appeal. Both Year 10 classes have been discussing a variety of ethical dilemmas and applying a range of frameworks to reach a balanced discussion on how to tackle some of life’s problems.
Year 11 and 12 Service-Learning
Term 3 is a busy time for the Senior classes as they prepare for their examinations. However, all students have been working hard at their Service-Learning projects with some Year 11 students implementing them over the coming weeks.
The Year 12 Walk my Way Service-Learning project is set to reach its target by the end of term in walking 26km with their Care Groups. From the last tally, the total number of kilometres walked school-wide was 118.5.
A fantastic effort!

Livestock Show Team
After a couple of very quiet years due to COVID, agricultural shows have returned to the calendar. The College Show Team has been enjoying preparing and successfully showing their livestock once again.

Year 11 Biology Field Study
The two Year 11 Biology classes braved the wintery conditions to conduct a field study at the Walla Walla Gum Swamp Reserve. The students carried out several experiments to determine the abiotic conditions at various locations within the reserve and measured the abundance and distribution of species present.
They also collected specimens for examination and identification back in the lab.