A new school year
Our Foundation students and senior buddies were so excited to start school this year and we look forward to a wonderful year!

Our new Foundation class have settled so well after their transition program last year.

Every day is a great day at St John’s and especially Thursdays because we have a local musician, Mrs Jess Cook, who works with our staff to excite and engage our students in music. The senior class are using a variety of instruments including piano, keyboard, xylophones, marimbas, and drums. The junior students are learning all about pitch and use of voice and our Year 3/4 class are mastering beat and singing in rounds. To have a dynamic music program in our school is such a valuable and essential part of the curriculum as echoed in many recent research articles.

Colour Play
We have a collection of different coloured bins placed around the school yard that encourages learning and development during recess and lunchtime. The red bin is full of costumes that students use to create performances and plays on the outside deck. The blue bin comprises of wheels, cogs, and hessian for construction, whilst the purple bin has teddy bears, teacups, and picnic rugs. The green bin has a range of sporting equipment and the yellow bin has binoculars, butterfly nets and magnifying glasses for exploration. It is amazing what the students create, and every day encourages wonder and imagination

Part of the role of our senior students is to organize and run fitness activities for 15 minutes every day. All students are placed in multi aged groups and focus on a variety of skills and activities that are rotated throughout the week. We have found that it is a fantastic way to encourage leadership and foster positive relationships whilst having fun!

Our Up & Going Playgroup continues to run for two mornings each week. We employ a Playgroup Co-Ordinator to oversee the program and implement the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework. Our Playgroup provides a play-based environment that supports children’s learning, development, and wellbeing. We also provide opportunities for Playgroup children and parents/carers to develop a sense of belonging and acceptance.

Home visits
Our Foundation teacher continues to foster the positive transition to starting school by visiting our students and families at home. This is a great opportunity for us to further understand individual children, recognise each child’s interests and develop respectful and supportive partnerships between home and school.

Our school continues to offer the inquiry-based approach to teaching and learning Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Students learn by engaging in first-hand experiences to develop science understanding and skills that build competency in STEM.

We had a very successful swimming team represent our school at the Portland District Swimming Carnival. Our Boys team came first overall and our Girls team came third overall. We had many students receive place ribbons and qualify for the next level.

Church Connections
We are very grateful to St John’s Lutheran Church who continue to actively support our school. The church has just recently bought Bibles for our Foundation and Year 3 students. The congregation through their Care Team continue to provide meals for families in need, and the Church also finances two substantial academic scholarships.