The start of 2021 has seen NLS welcome 14 new Foundation students, and three new staff in Miss Leah Noll, Miss Georgina Morrison and Ms Greer Marshman. The new teachers were installed at a parish service on January 31.
In the lead up to students commencing, staff had days of planning, preparation, professional learning and bonding. The first day saw the staffing venture to nearby Dimboola for some geocaching and teamwork building. Staff also updated CPR requirements and completed Bounce Back training. Bounce Back is a positive education approach to wellbeing, resilience and social-emotional learning used at NLS.
Bible presentation

At the first chapel of the year, the Foundation and Year 3 students were presented with their very own Bibles. The Foundation students received the Lion First Bible and the Year 3’s the International Children’s Bible.

Mud kitchen

Our students have loved playing creatively in our new mud kitchen. A huge thank you to the volunteers who helped build the kitchen and well done to the students who suggested ideas for this space.

Mini-farm and animals

Our animals continue to be popular with students and families. Last year, through the student voice provided by the Student Representative Council, the mini-farm was updated with a designated enclosed space for guinea pigs and the introduction of ducks. Students also have more involvement in the care of the animals and their homes through the weekly roster created by SRC to enable each class to care for the animals.

Looking forward
The yearly calendar is slowly filling up and we are hopeful that, unlike last year, many events and activities can take place. Apart from the extra and co-curricular activities, Nhill Lutheran School is hoping to attain government funding for building developments. Over the last year the school, with the assistance of Brand Architects, has developed a masterplan which has been submitted as part of the application for government funding. If successful, this will see older sections of the school removed and replaced with newer facilities designed to promote contemporary, flexible learning spaces and benefit 21st-century student learning needs. This aligns with one of the key strategic goals of the school in relation to buildings and facilities.
Damon Prenzler