We are grateful to God for the rich blessings He continues to bestow on us in Wagga Wagga. We are excited too for our continued (and now more formalised!) partnerships with our brothers and sisters in the Riverina. On 17 March, Lutheran School Wagga Wagga joined St Johns Jindera, St Pauls Henty and St Pauls Walla Walla to launch InspirED, sharing the intention of NSW Lutheran Schools to work together in our mission.
In our journey as InspirED, our schools teachers join together for professional development and the leaders in our schools meet regularly to encourage one another as they continue leading schools on the journey of Contemporary Learning. To read more about our five pillars of InspirED, they are featured in our Week 9 Newsletter.

While the Murray River divides us geographically and curricular-ly from our friends at Victory in Wodonga, we partner with them for Spiritual Retreats. In January, our school staff joined Victory for a day focused on Service Learning and Earth Care, led by Meg Noack of ALC. In the picture on the left, Derek Bartels is showing teachers how to use iPhone cameras to capture pictures that highlight God’s beautiful creation. Other breakout sessions focused on using creation as a springboard for poetry, horticulture, art and more.

“City of Good Sports”
Wagga Wagga is proud to be home of some of Australian sporting legends. You can see this culture play out during the year. So far this year we have been coached by the Brumbies, participated in Soccer Gala Days and showed our athleticism at swimming carnivals.

Shrove Tuesday and Harmony Day
We again partnered with Bethlehem Lutheran Church to serve pancakes for Shrove Tuesday. The local news picked up on our love for pancakes!

Harmony Day provided an opportunity for us to celebrate the diversity in our region and in our school population. We heard a story on the didgeridoo. Parents came to share their foods, stories and traditions.

Finally, we’d like to share what our students have to say about Lutheran School: https://youtu.be/Z4-QSgKK0vo