As we commence a new school year, we are naturally drawn to reflect on the past 12 months to acknowledge the challenges and changes that have occurred to the world around us. Within a pandemic, the most obvious of these to schools has been the shift in educational thinking and the excitement around reimagining what schooling could be for us into the future. With the forced introduction of remote learning early last year, HTLC was proactive in establishing the ‘how’ and ‘what’ that was needed to provide relevant and meaningful educational opportunities for the students.
More importantly, however, the leadership group was very conscious of establishing the ‘why’ in all that we do to reinforce our vision as a Lutheran school. Author and visionary thinker, Simon Sinek, explains that for individuals to be inspired, feel safe and fulfilled in life we must first start with the ‘why’.
Our mission as a Lutheran school articulates our purpose of establishing a Christian community that is committed to providing a quality Christian education that nurtures our young people for a life of faith and service. Our belief of why we do this is deeply rooted in the Gospel and provides rich and dynamic opportunities to support individuals to thrive in this changing and challenging world we live in.
Through our ‘why’ we prepare students for pathways of their choice whilst shaping their confidence, capabilities and character—affirming quality Christian education and care for all members of our community.
Understanding the ‘why’ of HTLC during these times leads us to the ‘how’ and the ‘what’, where we strive for excellence in all that we do and value the relationships in our community. Starting with the ‘why’ at the beginning of each year strengthens our focus and purpose for the ‘how’ and the ‘what’ we do each day, each term, and each year. Throughout this we are all encouraged to also focus on the ‘why’, keeping us centred and focused on who and whose we are.
School development and growth
The second stage of the Senior Centre (Years 10-12) is now coming to completion with the facility becoming available to us for the start of Term 3. Featuring a general classroom, locker bays, science lab, high-performance sport centre and stadium, the new precinct provides the college with vital learning environments that cater for many students and programs across the Middle and Senior Schools. This recent building project will complete the Senior School precinct. We give thanks for this new facility and look forward to the valued learning opportunities that will occur within it.

Congratulations to Mr Lloyd

Congratulations to Mr Josh Lloyd, who is the recipient of the Award for Excellence in History Education by an Early Career Educator by HTAV (History Teachers’ Association of Victoria). This Award is recognition of the enthusiasm and inspiration that he brings to each of his classes and the innovative ways that he engages students in their learning.
We are extremely proud to have a member of our teaching staff acknowledged for their outstanding contributions and the dedication and care they show to our students.

In May, we were excited to welcome RoboCup Junior back to Horsham. The competition was hosted by HTLC, and we were lucky to be assisted by co-founder of the organisation, Brian Thomas.
This event provided local students with an opportunity to develop and apply STEM skills they have been learning during their lunchtime Robotics Club. Well done to all involved and congratulations to our students who won several of their categories.
It was a successful inaugural race for Holy Trinity Racing at ‘The Bend’. Against 181 competitors on a challenging 3.4km circuit at Tailem Bend, all six teams finished in the Top 10 in their categories. Well done to:
Hurricane: 1st place (Category S1F)
Avalanche: 1st place (Category S2F)
Thunder: 3rd place (Category S1)
Blizzard: 4th place (Category S3F)
Firestorm: 5th place (Category S3)
Tempest: 10th place (Category S2)

Junior Red Cross

The Junior Red Cross has had one of its most successful Mothers Day Stalls, with $1,331.65 raised for the Red Cross.
It was so successful, that the junior members will be working overtime to prepare for the Fathers’ Day stall as every single item completely sold out.
Daniel Weller