It has been a very busy first Semester in Year 11! Students are working hard and preparing for their mid-year exams at the end of Term. Rather than hearing from teachers, I thought it might be nice to hear our students’ thoughts on their Year 11 journey so far……

Kate Williams – Secondary School Coordinator

Students in Year 8 and 9 were lucky enough to undertake a STEM workshop facilitated by the ROBOT MAN. Students used Lego Spike kits to engage in coding and robotics activities including colour sensor track challenges and Plank Battles. These rich collaborative and contemporary learning opportunities help students be future ready and shift students thinking towards innovation and problem solving.

Leadership was the name and leadership was the game, and it all took place at the Lea.
We kicked off with some teamwork and leadership games, followed by some water-based games that eventually turned into a giant water fight. After that we explored the low ropes course at the Lea and further worked on our teamwork and leadership skills.
The next day we visited UTAS and Drysdale TAFE to look at future prospects for the Year 10’s.

The Inquiry question that the Foundation class have asked this term is: “What makes me who I am?” Through learning about our new classroom, our new teachers and all the new routines of Foundation, we have also found out more about each other and ourselves.
Connecting our Literacy work with our Inquiry question leads to deep thinking and connection. It leads us to reflect on ourselves and those around us in our classroom. It allows us to see our uniqueness and how we are connected.
We are so proud of our little learners and their awesome start to full time school.

We began our journey in Christian Studies this year by looking at our school emblem and the meaning behind it.
Exploring the layers to the Luther Rose and our ‘Christ our Rock’ motto helped to further develop our understanding of the Christian faith and the importance of our Lutheran Values.
Our Term 1 focus centred around the season of Lent and the lead up to Easter. Classes completed an activity where students practiced having a symbol of the cross placed on their forehead using ashes from last year’s branches used in Palm Sunday.
Our Chapel services this term were centred around the Lenten theme. Each primary and high school class had a turn leading a short Chapel service. We concluded our term with a special series of short Chapels celebrating each day of Holy Week. We used the Story Book Egg and Resurrection Eggs as visual aides to teach the Easter story, providing students with a hands-on approach to their Christian Studies learning.
The colourful butterflies are a longstanding tradition here at Eastside Lutheran College, with students each creating a brightly coloured butterfly to be laminated, added to our schools growing collection and proudly displayed through our Chapel Hall on Easter Sunday as a symbol for new life as we celebrate Jesus’s resurrection.
I love this ongoing Easter tradition we have, and students are so excited to return from the Easter long weekend to see the beautiful display in the hall. I believe this signifies unity, growth and God’s light shining through all things for both our school and congregation.

This term in Christian Studies we are focusing on Biblical Inquiry. This provides the opportunity for each class to pose questions about stories, people, themes, and aspects of the Bible they want to explore and learn more about. Our studies in class have then centred around the topics each individual class want to explore, developing their knowledge and appreciation for the Bible.
An activity we completed asked students what the Bible was all about, gauging students’ current level of understanding and things they remember from Chapels and previous years. We discussed how the Bible is all about God and how much he loves us.
Recently at an intergenerational activity between our Year 9 students and Regis Aged Care residents, the students really made us proud.
They chatted with the aged folks even though some of them had dementia and couldn’t communicate. They served a lunch of sandwiches and then made scones, served drinks, and generally just made the afternoon a wonderful time.
“It was absolutely wonderful to meet you and your beautiful students last week. They were just amazing, so engaged, so willing to enter into the spirit of the workshop. I really enjoyed observing the interactions between generations! It was one of those times that just make your heart soar.” – Project Officer – Regis Aged Care

We learnt about how the Bible is a collection of stories, poems, letters, and songs that together are all telling one big story. It was written by lots of different people and the order of each book, chapter and verse was carefully arranged to bring us the Bible as we know it today. When we read the Bible, we can learn all about God and what he is like. The Bible is inspired by God and helps us to know what is true, teaching us to do what is right.
Chapel services this term are also centred around the theme of The Bible. Primary and high school classes meet for a Chapel service each week, lead by a different class. The leading class selects and reads Bible verses relating to their message, leads prayer and brings their prepared message to the rest of the classes.
Messages about the significance and importance of the Bible, a tribute to Mary’s role around Mother’s Day and the parable of the sower in how we receive and respond to God’s word are just some of the themes that have been presented so far this term. The awards presented to students during our Chapel services are each linked to our Lutheran Values which we recognise and praise to see upheld across the school in many ways. This semester we have begun incorporating live music into our Chapel services to further enhance the value, and importance of worshiping together. Working alongside Mr. Powell and some of our talented students, we are continuing to develop our worship, creating a more authentic and reflective atmosphere within each Chapel service.
Christian Studies is embedded in everything we do at Eastside Lutheran College, being such an important part of our school ethos and community. Morning devotions in class, prayers, and links to Christian Studies in our subject learning all provide opportunities for students to ask profound, deep level questions that help them better understand our Christian beliefs and how they fit within the world. Students have been encouraged by learning and discussing how they have been uniquely designed and crafted unlike anyone else in the world, dearly loved with a purpose and a bright future ahead. It is an encouragement as teachers to help children realise how special they are as they discover their part in God’s story.
Emily McCormack – Christian Studies Coordinator

This year the school has set up a Christian Studies display board in the Hall. This display board aims to rotate through some of the work being completed across the school in Christian Studies, providing another method of connection between the school community and St Peter’s Lutheran Church.
Wendy Ruback