Our first LEVNT Ministry and Wellbeing Network Day for 2021 is scheduled for Friday, 14 May at Art Series Hotel The Larwill, which is in Parkville. https://www.artserieshotels.com.au
If you have not been to a Network Day before, it is a great opportunity to hear from and connect with colleagues in our region working in ministry and wellbeing. This network day we hope to explore frameworks that support staff and student wellbeing and have an introduction to the PERMA model as one example.
There will also be time in separate Ministry and Wellbeing groups for sharing resources and what is happening in our schools. Please pass this information on to School Pastors, Chaplains, Wellbeing Coordinators, Counsellors, etc. We encourage you where possible, to attend as a team.
Please register at: Ministry and Wellbeing Event
Registrations close Wednesday, 05 May 2021.
Pr David Spike
Learning Leader: Formation