Walk My Way
It was a long time in the planning but well worth it. Over 100 walkers took part in our region’s first ‘Walk My Way’ event on Saturday, 14th October. This was a combined fundraiser hosted by Victory Lutheran College, the Wodonga Lutheran Parish and Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS). As a result, at time of writing, our community is well past the halfway mark to our fundraising target of $10,000.
Australian Lutheran World Service has its foundations in Albury/Wodonga after Pastor Bruno Muetzefeldt in 1947 commenced a ministry to European migrants and refugees who were being resettled through what was then called the Bonegilla Migrant Centre. It was very fitting that Bonegilla was the starting point for our Walk My Way.

Walkers chose between three distances (5km, 10km or the big 26km) to support this worthy initiative by ALWS to support displaced children accessing education in refugee camps. The mapped trail began at the Bonegilla Migrant Experience walking past the old migrant huts, then past the very full Hume Weir and then on scenic rail trails into Wodonga itself, winding around many of the beautiful Wodonga parks including a circuit around Belvoir Lagoon and Sumsion Gardens.
The weather was very kind, overcast, even mildly chilly for the early start but good conditions for a long walk. Before heading out, Leah Odongo, Programs Director ALWS, gave a heartfelt message sharing the impact of Walk My Way and the work of the ALWS.

Of course, to support the walkers, there was a big team of volunteers helping with registrations, handing out water, fruit and snacks and guiding everyone onto the next stage. The day would not have been a success without their invaluable assistance. The day went off without a hitch, with just a few band-aids used for the odd blister.
The walk ended at Victory Lutheran College where the P&F were waiting with a sausage sizzle and refreshments.
Principal John Thompson shared with the Victory community: “Education is something we take for granted but as educators, we know how schooling can change lives. Walk My Way is not just about covering a distance: it is a journey of hope, resilience, and solidarity. Every walker who participated, volunteer who helped at checkpoints and those who donated, each directly impacted the lives of vulnerable children to give them a chance to dream and build a better future. I am very proud of our community to get involved.”
Donations are still being accepted for our Walk My Way and we wish Luther College all the best for their upcoming Melbourne event.

Parish connection grows closer
Walk My Way was quite a highlight of 2023 for our combined College and Parish community. The connection between the Parish, our founders and Victory Lutheran College will be further enhanced when the new Church finishes construction this December/January. Over 30 years ago, the Wodonga Lutheran Parish had a vision to build a Lutheran school in Wodonga and they have overseen the incredible growth of our community from their Church based in central Wodonga. To have them onsite with the College will be the fruition of over three years planning. Despite the inevitable delays, the Parish were mindful that everything works in the Lord’s time and are now very excited as the project nears completion.
Secondary Production of Disney’s Aladdin Jr.
Our Term 2 Secondary musical production of Disney’s ‘Aladdin Jr.’ were two incredibly fun, entertaining and polished performances. Productions are a valuable opportunity for students to showcase their skills and talents. Our leading actors were certainly impressive but the greatest satisfaction came from witnessing students who, in other areas prefer to avoid the limelight, absolutely thrive and shine out of their comfort zone. The results said it all on the delights on the faces of the audience post-show and the joyous conversations in the foyer as students came out from back-stage.

Resource Smart Schools Awards 2023
In other terrific news, our student-led Resource Smart Team won the 'Secondary Student Action Group' category at the Resource Smart Schools Awards in July. This was the second year in a row that Victory was nominated for the category and a fantastic recognition of the work done by our student-led Resource Smart Team over the last four years and the support shown by our community. Unfortunately, our Resource Smart members couldn't attend the ceremony this year due to the exam/show commitments but the Team was thrilled to receive the award.
Year 12 Farewell
As Term 4 begins, there is so much happening that in no time at all, we will say 'Where did that Term go?'. The Farewell Assembly for our Year 12 Class of 2023 is a rite of passage for the cohort as it is the last time they will gather as students in front of our whole College community. There are always mixed emotions when one comes to the end of something significant - happiness for some, sadness for others, being excited about the future or unsure about the next phase. But every journey starts with a step and they are about to take that next step into a new journey and new opportunities. We wish them the best with their exams over the next couple of weeks and encourage them to make the sacrifices now to give themselves the best opportunity to reach their goals. We are really proud of each and every one of them as Victory Old Scholars.