Together We Grow and Nhill Lutheran School - Building News
I am pleased to announce that our long awaited building project is proceeding, with initial demolition works likely to occur before Christmas. The bulk of construction will occur during Term One next year. Nhill Lutheran School started exploring the possibility of building upgrades in late 2019, in line with our strategic plan, and with the possibility of accessing funding through the Victorian Government Non-Government Schools Capital Fund. It is exciting to see those plans about to become a reality. The new building will include learning spaces that will provide greater flexibility and upgraded administration areas, and has been designed with student learning at the core. The new construction will replace existing parts of our building which date back to the 1970s and 80s, and have served our school well for a long period of time. Thankfully, we have existing spaces for students to use during the building process, meaning the learning program will continue without significant disruptions. Further information will be shared with the community in due course.
The phases of the building program will be as follows:
- The staff rooms, wellbeing room, kitchen, art room and Year 5/6 rooms will be vacated and building removed (essentially the middle of the school). The 5/6 class will relocate to the Science Room.
- Construction of the new school building will occur in the cleared space, flowing onto the adjacent hard court area.
- All classes and administration areas will move into the new building upon completion.
- Parts of the northern building will be removed to create a functional outdoor space, with some of these rooms being retained.
As we prepare to farewell older sections of our current building, we would like to provide members of our community an opportunity to ‘say farewell’, and to share any stories or memories they have. We would like for people to share any stories/memories/photos to do with the older sections of the school, and we hope to collate and share these with the community. You may email these to the school at or drop off hard copies at the front office. The school will be happy to photocopy or scan items if needed.
We thank God for this exciting time in the life of Nhill Lutheran School. We acknowledge the courage and foresight of the founders and early pioneers of the school, who started the school and shaped it into what it is today. We are grateful for the buildings and spaces that have served the school well for many years, and we ask for God’s continual blessing on Nhill Lutheran School as we build for the future.

Goldfields and Greenlands Boutique Learning Tour
At the end of Term Three seven NLS staff ventured on a learning tour of Bendigo and Ballarat under the guidance of Derek Bartels from LEVNT. The staff visited Bendigo Marist College and Ballarat Tech College, RunwayHQ co-working space, and shared numerous in depth discussions about what works best for student learning.