Many of our schools are currently reviewing and auditing their literacy practice to align with Science of Reading practice.
This can be a long and arduous process as there is much research to comprehend that will impact how literacy is taught in our schools both in the early years (P-2) and into upper primary.
The aim of the workshop on Tuesday is for Maria Denholm from Good News and others to share the process of change that literacy is under at the College.
We hope that for smaller schools without a dedicated literacy leader the discussion and sharing on the day from literacy leaders in our larger schools will act as a benefit.
Tuesday 16 August
@Quality Hotel Tullamarine
Aims of the day are:
- Determine shared language and understanding about the Science of Reading.
- The challenge of embedding explicit literacy instruction within an inquiry/experiential learning approach
- Leaders to share the change they are making in their school’s literacy approach P-2
- Leaders to share the change they are making in their school’s literacy approach 3-6
- Sharing of useful resources for leaders and for teachers, with time to explore
- Opportunity for discussion around questions and exploration of next steps for the group
If you would like to register someone from your school then please email or call me direct.
Kimberley Powell
Learning Leader: Innovation