After a number of COVID interrupted years it was exciting for Principals and Business Managers to be able to come together in Melbourne last Friday and Saturday for the annual Principal and Business Managers' day and Schools' Assembly; however, not only did we welcome principals and business managers, but for the first time it was wonderful to have Service Leaders from some our Early Childhood Services as well.
While collegiality and connection were a large part of the day, a number of important regional matters were discussed and shared.
‘Peacewise’ CEO Wayne Forward, shared the rich resources which this organisation offers with their programs – especially in the student space while information was shared on Reconciliation Action Plans, with the office sharing a draft of theirs.
The group were asked to provide feedback on the updated LEVNT Strategic Plan and complementary Business Plan. The feedback gained from this exercise will prove to be invaluable as the LEVNT office determines the best way to continue the support of our Schools and Early Childhood Services (ECSs). The culture of care and support of each other and for our Schools and ECSs in the LEVNT Region, will certainly continue to be a focus for the office. This feedback is currently being considered with appropriate changes made to the Plans.
The afternoon session saw time given to the different groups to discuss matters relevant to their roles in their Schools / ECSs.
Schools' Assembly on the Saturday saw Chairs of Boards and Principals come together to hear about the work being undertaken by BLEVNT across the region. Decisions were made on various matters, including finances. A presentation on various matters pertaining to the work of Boards was led by Cecelia Irvine-So from the legal firm Moores.
While it was great to come together in strength once again, it was tinged with an element of sadness as we acknowledged the faithful work and leadership of two of our colleagues - Greg Schneider and Gary Jewson. With each having served in the Lutheran education system, in various capacities over 35 years each, both men will retire from their respective at the conclusion of this year. We certainly thank God for the impact both Greg and Gary have had on students, staff, parent and colleagues over this time.
We ask God to continue to bless our guide the Schools and ECSs of our region. Our strength is in the support, collegiality and care displayed across our region; something which was quite evident at our two days last week.
Shane Paterson
Director: Leadership & School Improvement