Prior to students commencing for the beginning of the school year, I had the honour of working with the staff at Tarrington for two days of professional learning focused on Project Based Learning.
We all went on a steep learning journey across the course of the two days wherein a Covid-19 pivot we worked in an outside classroom on rare days where the temperature in Tarrington soared several degrees above Melbourne’s daily peak.
Across the two days, we focused on how to make learning authentic by grounding projects in a context that will be meaningful for the students.
The resultant projects that were developed were engaging and the teachers’ feedback was that they could not wait to get into the classroom and get started!
What does a classroom superstar look like?
Year 1 and 2
How might we improve our school as it grows?
Year 3 and 4
How might we encourage our school community to make healthy choices?
Year 5 and 6
How might we be prepared for the impact of natural disasters in our area?
Kimberley Powell
Learning Leader: Innovation