“It was a Very practical and valuable session.”
“Thanks so much for sharing and facilitating – lots to think about!”
“Thank you so much for sharing your experience and knowledge,”
“Wonderful Leah! Thank you so much for your time. Your resources sound awesome!”
On Thursday afternoon last week, 20 keen and supportive Project Based Learning Facilitators from across the regions spent time unpacking a rich contemporary unit of work implemented by LORDS Lutheran College and presented by Leah Haywood. It was an enriching session in talking about the finer points of embedding design thinking in the PBL unit and also how to facilitate and lead teachers in effective PBL planning and implementation. Many thanks to Leah Haywood for sharing the journey at LORDS. Due to popularity we will be hosting this again in a few weeks time at the beginning of Term 4- stay tuned for dates.
Kimberley Powell
Learning Leader: Innovation