With a million priorities to spread you thin at the moment, we understand if you are not currently able to take advantage of the current 30-day screening licence of this film for our school staff and boards.
If you would like to make this a priority but can’t see that happening until the new year then please get in touch with me.
We are in conversation with the filmmakers about how we might get an extended licence so that our schools can engage with this provocative documentary as a means to begin or continue the important discussion about what contemporary learning means in your context.
Please get in contact with me if you are interested in a screening but cannot make it happen this year.
If you think you have a spot on your calendar in the next couple of weeks then great! All Principals have the current link and there are about 12 days left of the free licence. If you require a new copy of the link please get in touch with me. The film is 34 minutes long and we have some suggested prompts for the post-screening discussion.
Kim Powell
Learning Leader: Innovation