23 – 25 May 2022

We are excited to bring you a new itinerary for the Melbourne Tour in 2022.
School immersions will include:
- Templestowe College with a focus on how they have unlocked the timetable to create individual pathways for every student in their school from Year 8-12.
- Luther College for a reflection session led by Andrew Bradtke.
- Princes Hill Primary School with a focus on how students learn through a robust inquiry cycle and learning is embedded within their local community.
- Cornish College with a focus on their change journey and how they are driving innovation from the Senior Years down through their school
- Newmark Primary (formerly Lumineer Academy) with a focus on Design Thinking and First Principle Thinking to drive learning in the Primary years.
Places for this tour are filling fast. If you would like to register people to attend please email me at kim.powell@levnt.edu
Kim Powell
Learning Leader: Innovation