On Friday afternoon as the week was winding up it was great to be joined in the zoom room by 20 Lutheran Educators across 4 states for some learning hosted by Ariel Raz. Ariel ran a 60min session for us focused on the intersection of Futures and Design Thinking. It was really interesting for participants to think about the visions of the future that already exist. We shared some thoughts around possibilities for the year 2040 and then were challenged to think about what needs to be happening in 2035, 2030, 2025 in order for that future to be attainable in 2040. Ariel challenged us through a series of provocations to move our thinking away from preparing for the future to shape our future.

One example that you can see in the pictures is of the thinking that could be done around driverless cars being mainstreamed in 2040, we were challenged to think about what might happen and who should care about that. We applied this to aspects of rethinking time and space in schools and rethinking wellbeing in schools.
For those involved, it sparked some ideas about possible conversations with colleagues and with students.
We are hoping to host more of these sessions in the future, it was a great way to connect and engage with inspiring colleagues from across our regions and the world!

Ariel is available to work on designing and implementing projects in schools, we are currently working with him across two projects in two different LEQ schools and his leadership and direction have been invaluable.
Please get in touch if you would like to know more.
Kimberley Powell
Learning Leader: Innovation