Over the last holidays the eighth iteration of LDP was launched. Originally planned to be a national launch, the decision was made to pivot into regional hubs due to uncertainty of travel due to state border restrictions. The LEVNT cohort of 9 participants and 9 mentors met for two days at the Quality hotel (there are 30 participants nationally).
Facilitated by the programme provider QUT, the two days were full of rich learning and networking opportunities for those involved.
All participants have been involved in undertaking a leadership profiling exercise which is being used as a focus in the first unit of ‘Leading Self and Others’. Topics being explored as part of this unit include: ‘Leading in the 21st century school’, ‘Understanding leadership and your leadership style’ and ‘Your leadership vision’. Each participant has been allocated a mentor who will provide support and encouragement over the two-year journey.
We wish these participants every blessing as they undertake tertiary study while balancing work and home commitments.
Shane Paterson
Director: Leadership & School Improvement