Brisbane Learning Tour 20th – 23rd November
The Brisbane Contemporary Learning Tour is filling fast!
Register here:
The Rich Cohesive Collaboration on the Lutheran Education Contemporary Learning Tours coupled with the showcasing and deep immersions of Contemporary Schooling, enables Lutheran Education Schools to Transform as a vibrant sector.
“The learning tour appears in the brochure as a tour of incredible schools, however it is more than this. The leaders/guides provide the participants with time to reflect on the transformative pedagogy in a daily basis and by the end of the week, you will have a deeper understanding of the contemporary journey, the culture and pedagogy the staff and students embrace.”
“The tour offered an assault on my school senses - what I believe schools to look like, sound like, feel like and be like.”
“The tour offered the space, time and conversations that enabled reflection, change of heart, internal and external wrestling, thought, filtering and prioritizing.”
“The tour offers a toolkit of changemakers to take home.”
Derek Bartels
Learning Leader: Innovation