Applications are invited for the position of:
(Commencing July 2022)
If you are an emerging or experienced and successful Educational leader looking for a new challenge you may be the right person to take on this important role.
The Good Shepherd Lutheran College Board seeks an experienced leader who exhibits a sincere passion for educating young people, outstanding communication skills and an informed commitment to Lutheran education.
The College, an International Baccalaureate World School, is a co-educational Early Learning to Year 12 learning community. There are two Early Learning Centres at the Howard Springs and Leanyer campuses. The College has three campuses, located in Leanyer, Palmerston and Howard Springs. Spanning across all campuses the College has a diverse staff. Senior students are offered a variety of NTCET and VET programs which provide exceptional pathways.
Good Shepherd is committed to providing excellence in education, embracing the wellbeing of all students whilst aiming to develop active, knowledgeable and compassionate students, who understand they have a responsibility to the communities to which they belong. The College does this through providing effective educational pathways, opportunities for service to others and a strong, community recognised and valued Pastoral Care program.
A position description and information package are available from:
Larissa Paynter Executive Assistant
Lutheran Education SA NT & WA Ph: 08 8267 8401
Email: Larissa.paynter@lesnw.edu.au
Application process
Your application/ expression of interest should be submitted by email to John Proeve, Executive Director, Lutheran Education SA NT & WA – director@lesnw.edu.au by no later than 5pm on Thursday 5 May 2022 and should include:
A cover letter, including details of your preferred contact method, phone or email.
- A statement (maximum 4 pages) giving evidence of how the Capabilities from Growing deep: Growing Oneself; Engaging the Community; Leading the Team; and Focusing of Outcomes have shaped your ‘work’ – the vocational practices from Growing deep: Strengthening Lutheran Identity; Excellence in teaching and learning; Ongoing improvement and innovation; Community building; and Leading Effective organization and management.
- Curriculum Vitae covering:
- Full name, home address, confidential email address, mobile and phone contactdetails
- Nationality and citizenship
- Teacher Registration details
- Positions held, dates, scope of responsibilities and key achievements
- Qualifications
- Any other relevant information, such as memberships, involvement in professional community activities and organisations.
- The names, addresses (postal and email) and contact telephone numbers of at least four (4) confidential referees. These must include:
- Applicant’s present or previous employer (either Principal or Chair of School Council)
- A person who is familiar with the applicant’s academic and professional background and recent experience
- A person who can authoritatively comment on the applicant’s personal qualities and capacity to lead
- Preferably a Pastor of the Lutheran Church of Australia or a person able to comment on the applicant’s spiritual leadership qualities.
If you would like to discuss any aspect of this position, please contact Mr John Proeve, Lutheran Education, SA, NT and WA Executive Director, on 0427 591 859 or email director@lesnw.edu.au.