If only you had been here, Lord
by Pastor Mark Gierus

‘Lord,’ Martha said to Jesus, ‘if you had been here, my brother would not have died’ (John 11:21).
Read John 11:20–27
Do you ever feel this way? The same as Martha did that day? ‘Jesus, if only you had been here, this would not be the end.’ ‘Jesus, if only you would have been here, things would still be okay.’ ‘Jesus, if only you had been here, I wouldn’t be facing something I don’t like.’
We often feel like Martha in life – if only. But do you live as an ‘if only’ Christian? Or do you live a little differently?
The world constantly tries to entice us to live in such a way that we start longing for change when things don’t suit us. When things don’t work out or if we are put in an uncomfortable position, we are tempted to say, ‘If only things were different’.
‘If only I had more money, I would be more generous or happier or more stable.’ ‘If only I could have more things, I would feel more satisfied.’ ‘If only I could have a new wife, husband, or partner, things would be so much better, and I would be more fulfilled.’ ‘If only, Jesus, you gave me the things I needed to be happy and satisfied, things would be amazing.’
But you see, Jesus has already given us and continues to give us all we need today, tomorrow and forever. He gives us all we need. It might not be what we want for our lives to be easier or trouble-free with no suffering or sadness, but Jesus gives us all we need to face every situation – because quite simply, he gives himself fully.
Jesus is always here for you, for he is with you every moment of every day, shaping, moulding and growing you in his word by his spirit. Whatever happens, you have nothing to fear, for Jesus is the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in him will never die, for faith in Jesus holds onto forgiveness of sin, eternal life and salvation.
So, be fully satisfied in Jesus. Take his unseen hand in faith, and let him lead you while you walk on this earth doing the work God has sent you to do, sharing Jesus with others. He will one day lead you home where he will hold you eternally.
Dear Jesus, hold me, take me by my hand every day, and lead me into your work, both in my life and as I meet others. May I have a heart for you, Lord, seeing the needs of others around me, so they know you are meeting them where they are. Thank you that you are all I need and that you provide everything for me in this life and forever. Amen.