A reminder to think about which learning tour is right for you this year!
The previous Brisbane Learning Tour and now the Melbourne Learning Tour leaving in a few weeks have been completely full.
Many schools have inquired about California restarting this year with the easing of international travel. For a range of reasons we have decided to stay a little closer to home with our international tour this year and are running our first ever New Zealand tour, visiting schools in and around Auckland. While we are still working to lock in the complete itinerary we have already locked in visits and immersions to some superb contemporary learning schools including: Stonefields School, Freemans Bay, Albany High Senior School, The Age School and Green School. Further details will be added to the links below. Please contact Derek Bartels (LEQ), Kim Powell (LEVNT) or Andrew Bradtke (LESNW) for further information.
Speaking of New Tours we also have Adelaide coming up in August, where we will be spending time in some outstanding schools.
To make finding details and registering for tours easier we have been working hard in the background on developing a new website for you.
Kim Powell
Learning Leader: Innovation