At ALWS we are so grateful for the chance to work with you. Because of this we have developed some authentic learning experiences, in consultation with Lutheran school teachers.
We have created 10 ideas to do instead of…. We say instead of because it gives us a chance to think about..is the way we have been helping the most effective…is it about us or the people who are hurting…how can I work with communities overseas in the best way.
And here are our Top 10 insteads: Instead of a container of goods…which may not even get where we hope, cost a lot and could very well be stolen or not needed (because we didn’t find out what was needed in the communities) when it arrives…check out our Gifts of Grace. Students can see tangible things that have been determined by the villagers themselves. That’s why they change each year. We only make decisions with the communities.
- Instead of a trip to the field and doing things that people could do for themselves…hold a Walk My Way event in your school. We have so much information on this. Please ask and we would love to work with you. No better way for the students to feel empowered and though they are making a difference by trying to experience the amount of walking or the living conditions that people experience around the world because of so many different situations.
Like Akech who said – “My father was killed. My mother was beaten. We must walk to get here. I was very tired. I am happy to be here because we get beans and maize.”
Students in our schools could raise $26 to allow a child in a refugee camp to go to school. The gift of education.
3. Instead of a school partnership…how about a Village Partnership?
Walk alongside a whole community and see the difference. Through your help communities are empowered to decide what they need, they do the work and they see the difference in their farming.
4. Instead of a sausage sizzle – have a plain rice lunch for your school. May be a real challenge for some students. But can also be a part of teaching empathy.
5. Instead of just learning about refugees – Refu.Me Challenge. Your students can take part in 10 different challenges to do with food, water, living, school and much more. Ask us for you free students passport and we will send them onto you. Any money raised through this can go towards sending a refugee child to school for 1 year for $26.
6. Instead of a normal free dress day – why not have a free from electricity day. No white boards, computers, lights to really try and experience what school might be like for students in difficult situations.
7. Instead of sending our used items – support a small business so people can buy new.
Shyam received training 5 years ago and began a tailoring business with one machine.
“It was too hard with one machine as my wife was working too. LWF supported us to get another machine. Now it is much better.
We are contracted now to make school bags for the students. With 2 people, we can make 4 or 5 bags a day. We sell the bags for 1000NPR. (around $12) Each bag comes with a 1 year warranty.
I used to work in another shop before the training but there was never enough. We struggled to feed our family.
Now it is so much better. Our family is doing well.
We have 4 children.
We would like to expand the business and hire more workers.
8. Instead of learning just the facts and statistics – get practical hands on activities through our online resources. You may know about the extensive amount of resources on our web page that include many topics, stories, videos, worship ideas and teaching activities. These are free and we are always very open to feedback on what you would find most useful.
9. Instead of just a gold coin donation…consider our What’s My Business unit (year 5 and 6), but other classes could be involved at a different level – This allows students to experience what a savings group in community is developed for and allowing them to experience starting up their own business and what that might be able to do for a family in poverty.
They learn about people like Dipendra…
“I have a physical disability and have trouble walking.”
“I have had this bike repair business for 10 years and repair 30-35 bikes a day. (He showed us how he does things and he is very quick. He has run the shop since he was in grade 8)
“I start work early and often work until 9pm at night.”
“People will wait for me to repair their bikes as I do good work. They are my priority customers.”
“I am saving money now for the first time. I put some money in my business, some to my farming and then some to my family. I am proud now to feed my family and educate my son. “
Students have gained so much insight from this unit – Quotes:
“I used to think my ability to make a difference was unlikely and no one would listen to me because I am so young. But I discovered I have a voice and I can make a difference.”
“If I had to pick one or two feelings about this it would be grateful and happy, grateful for what we have and happy that we are making a difference.”
“This program has been a great experience for me as a person. I’ve learnt so much about other people in our world.”
10. Instead of our students just hearing from you (though you are awesome) – invite us in for students to come face to face with real people in the field. Our presentations have been paired up very closely with the Australian Curriculum and the Christian Studies Framework. We certainly don’t want to add to the things you need to fit in, but support and bring in a different perspective, looking outside ourselves and teaching empathy.