Principals in our schools under Church policy are required to have a certain level of accreditation. To achieve this accreditation, post graduate studies need to be undertaken in Educational Leadership along with Connect and Equip and the unit ‘Education and Theology in Dialogue’ completed through ALC. https://www.lutheran.edu.au/?wpdmdl=1146
As well as the principal requiring this accreditation, those who deputise for the principal (in the principal’s absence) also need to gain Acl / Al accreditation. There are a number of leaders in our schools, who deputise for the principal, who do not have the required accreditation.
Recently, discussions were held with ALC on the timing and delivery of their unit ‘Education and Theology in Dialogue’. The outcome of these discussions sees this unit offered as both a semester long unit (semester 2, 2021 and 2022) and in 2022 an annual unit (the content and requirements halved over each semester).
I believe this is a great offer by ALC and those who require this unit for leader accreditation are encouraged to consider the completion of this unit through this two semester option. Enrolments will be open later in the year and I will inform you when this occurs.
Please contact me if you wish to discuss this further.
Over 65 applications were received nationally for 30 places for LDP 8. Congratulations are extended to the following people who were selected from LEVNT. The panel was impressed with the depth of applications and encourage those who were unsuccessful this iteration to reapply for LDP 9.
Anita Morton – Luther
Carolyn Niewand – Lakeside
Damian Pietsch – Sunshine
Danii Worley – Good Shepherd, Croydon
Hollie Kinning – Jindera
Jason Przibilla – Horsham
Kaylene McClure – Henty
Richard Baird – Tarneit
Stephen Illingworth – Geelong (St Johns)
Celeste Acfield – Luther
Shane Paterson
Director: Leadership & School Improvement