What a great 3 days of Learning and Collaboration.
During the term break, we facilitated a 3-day PBL summit with workshop leaders from PBL Works who are based in the U.S.A. It was 3 days packed full of learning where the presenters took participants on a journey of both learning about Project Based Learning and developing our own PBL to take back into classrooms and teach. It was such a great opportunity to bring together passionate educators from all three regions to work and plan together. Participants appreciated how practical the sessions were and were eager to return to school and put projects into action.
We want to thank all of the people who engaged so enthusiastically across the 3 days in the term break. We expect demand to be high for further sessions during 2022.

It has been an amazing few days! Well worth giving up some of my holidays for! Kelli
I have learned a tremendous amount and have networked with some amazing educators across Lutheran schools in Australia. Thank you Kirsty
Thanks, Kim and Derek, Dori and Andre this was such an amazing 3 days. I love that we can walk away with lots of things to implement in the classroom. Totally worthwhile PD to do (even on Holidays!!) Lisa
Thanks so so much- It‘s been awesome and our students will really be the beneficiaries of this. Rebecca
This was a wonderful opportunity to learn and collaborate with a wide range of educators, LOVED IT! Karri
Thanks so much for running this. It’s been great to cement previous understanding of PBL and gain confidence in writing PBL units. I’m really excited to implement PBL more and more. Courtney
Thank you Derek and Kim for doing all the preparation and background work to make this happen. There were amazing ideas and the conference was facilitated in such a safe, engaging and collaborative way. Adam
Thank you so much. This has been super interesting and practical. I have really enjoyed the authenticity, expertise and energy! Stay Awesome David
I got a lot out of this and the connections I made with others are great! Tia
It was great to be able to offer this type of PD to a large group of staff across the nation at the same time without the need to travel. I thought being online would be cumbersome but it was really engaging! Janet
I really appreciate being able to learn a lot and walk away with an actual unit of work that I can implement!
Kim Powell
Learning Leader: Innovation